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this week
Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 5:16 AM

I feel so bersyukur that i finally cleared my major papers.
So i decided to spent some time with my girlfriends, jerrybby&shareena anak abdul jalil,
my daughter. nyahaha. see mummy never abandon you okay!
I am thankful to have these two girls by my side, they are my true friends.
Who never fail to listen to my stories, share the laughter the hugs, yes the hugs.

Apart from these, they even instruct me on what to do and not to do.
Its like the missing puzzle in my life is finally complete.
No i am not sad or remorse or anything.
You see my life was once complete but apparently it shattered cause of this feeling called the ego, yes the ego.
You see, its inevitable for someone not to forget their _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
You feel prisitine, secure and you just have this perspective that the future is assured and written.

However, at times ppl, like me, yes i finally admitted, dont think about the outcome, consequences and just dont think out of the box, so when things happen and you are unprepared, all you can do is break down continuously for a period of time.

To think back, i realised i was very strong. Despite me moving forward only after a period of time, i have to thank all my friends and cousin for being there for me at such a time and in fact even my nenek was there for me.

Now, i am all strong standing on the ground with both my feet once again, I am proud of myself(:

Spin The Bottle

the simple things in life.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 5:39 AM

First and foremost i am so sorry for the late update.
I mean nothing much has been happening cause i am giving my all to Os for now.
I have completed english and mathematics.
Currently, i can only pray for the best.

I have been catching up with siti bits and pieces.
Will be catching up real soon after Os, total catching up, entire day(:
yes i do miss those days.
the swing, the long conversation, the karaoke, the love, the samp(:, the walk, eating like there's no tmrw at the designated bench located at fort canning(:, the flight of stairs to clarke quay, running down the hill, racing whoever managed to reach first will get a peck on the cheek? yes i miss those times.

Lates update.
He texted at 553am claiming that his in spore i thought he was back but false alarm, haha. *lol to alissa*
apparently orang itu hanya berhenti di singapura selama sehari sahaja.
but that was the reason why i could write fluently for english(: my source of motivation.

Basically, i cannot wait for Os to end.
It is taking a toll out of me.
Indeed i am supperr stress.
but i can managed my time(:
insya allah.

Thats all for now till after Os when i will flood this blog with many2 pictures(:

*Deras hatiku berdetak
Di langit aku terlihat kamu
Terang malam teman kita
Dengan angin meniup sayu
Ku petik gitar akustik ini
Dengan harapan dia mendengar
Melodi indah yang kucipta
Hanya untuk luahkan rinduku padanya(:

Spin The Bottle

what i have been doing?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 12:46 AM

hello earthlings. HAHA(: miss meee? haha yeahh i know you do even if you don't i know i did miss myself. haha

Okay so here it goes i am bored of the mundane routine of studying and i know i should not be blogging at this point of time but get this clear i am taking a break(:

This is random but i will just post these five six how i wish..(:
1. For someone to propose to me at the last level of THE EIFFEL TOWER
2. For someone to fry mars bars for me all night.
3. For someone to play the piano for me. ( lagu tercipta untukku) haha i can do it myself! nyaha
4. For someone to play the game of catching w me at the long stretch of stevens roadh
5. ANNNNNDDDDDDD someone to take me on a ride in a cruise/ship/kapal ! :D
6. i wish you are safe and happy in everything and anything you do. AWWWWW. *wink

Random facts abt me
1. i love ben and jerry's ice cream.
2. i love strolling aimlessly
3. i am in need of a star gazing partner
4. female version of a hustla, haha. NANANA DIVA IS A FEMALE VERSION OF A HUSTLA
5. azurabby will always and forever be my babylove<3 hehe. mwwaahhh
6. i am like scratching my head.
7. i love mudpies. and the damn luscious mudpie will always be the one at island creamary's
8. i am in love with lewis hamilton ever since a year and half back. his so sexxayyee
9. i cannot wait for the 11th of nov to arrive
10. i cannot wait for sept 2010 to arrive(:

okay. thats it for my posting this time round. i have to continue mugging hard! for myself, for my parents, for my future. nyahahaha!

Spin The Bottle

crucial part in life.
Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 7:17 PM

This entire week had been rather hactic and fast forward with all the continuous revision and its on going study. However even when the going gets tough, i am just contented to have my friends by my side especially aaron(: who have been of a great help in tutoring me for both chemistry and maths. Besides this, he has also been a great friend, and i mean it when i say great. Its been so long since i have a company who understands me internally and externally. His repetitive jokes and secondary school stories in SA never fails to make me smile, like of course i mean boy's school and their mischieve, haha. I am thankful to have such a good friend like aaron(:

Yesterday, the 3rd of october went jalan raya with the 4Es and 5ns. OMG i tell you, so kecoh especially atiqah and her corny talk. haha. It was one of those memorable events. What made it more special and illuminating was that we bermaafan at farah's nenek place. It was a momentum and heart warming event. Relatively everyone teared when bermaafan. So here was the scenario, i sat on the couch then one by one kneeled down started bermaafan. I have no idea why i was the main one who sat there. OHOH cause they claimed that since next week is my bday so i shall be the main spotlight something like tt la gitu, HAHA. okay, so farah was the first one, i never taught i would burst those blobs of tears, but i did. Then farah continued the cycle of crying followed by semua. Saddening. But indeed it was worthwhile.

Okay so here is my plan for the subsequent week.
monday- studying and dinner w aaron KWOK! haha kay sorry aaron lim(:
tuesday- continue revison
wednesday- happy bday alissa!!!(: omg feels so diff no feel empty to be specific
thursday- continue revision
friday- last day of school! YESSS AH! no actually goodbye st margs):
subsequent week i will just give in my best shot for this final lap and continue doing intensive revision and practice. Insyaallah.

to hakim:
its only been a week but i have to admit i have started missing you. waiting for your call. hoping for some reception somewhere in the middle of the ocean(:

Spin The Bottle

f1 pics
Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 3:07 AM

As promised, here are some of the pictures for the f1 outing.

me and kak fad ;D


abg afiz, me, kak fad and dilla


dilla and abg afiz haha(:


(: its johnnie walker!


Bibik and mother


was studying while waiting for the race to begin(:


Spin The Bottle

Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 8:07 PM

yeayness to me(:
ms Tan claimed that my POA is improving so much as compared to the previous weeks where i had forgotten almost everything, haha.

After tuition, i continued my beauty sleep till three. Then siap-siap and headed down to raffles shopping centre to meet up w abg afiz and family including kak dila. We had free starbucks cause abg afiz's friend was working on that particular day. We entered the F1 pit at around 5. Yes we were super early haha but we decided to walk around. Snapped quite a number of pics will upload it soon.

Kak dila was damn adorable la, the moment she entered, her face was blank. Its like a foreign place to her, haha(:

Then blablablabla. Race started. I SAW LEWIS HAMILTON CAR(: hehehheheeeeee. McLaren number one!

But right, abfg afiz's family left at nine. sad. So i was like bored. told mother i will be walking around esplanade. And i was on my own. Sedih pe. HAHA. so pampered myself with haagen daz cherries and cream, super nice can taste the liquor. i din know tak sengaja. so its okay((: haha.

Then i balik to my tempat. Mother looked at me and told me this "i saw siti maz" so i was like "huh?????? where??? what is she doing here" then she pulled my hand and bring me to her. So i say hi. Her face was blank so she said hi too. Then i smiled. Then we talked.

So we walked to the stairs somewhere near the stage thingy. THERE WAS NO ONE! best kan. haha. So we bermaafan. I teared! emotionally eh. HAHA(: so we forgive and forget whatever plight of things that has happened and decided to buka a new chapter.

So we catch up for a while while as usual not sampoerna-ing but marlboro-ing hahahhaa!
she told me abt her attachement w astro boy-_- yes im super diasappointed but if it makes you happy i will be happy for you too.
oh then we talked abt hakim punya kepergian haha(: kay kay correction no laughing and smiley animation.
then we decided to be partners next week for jalan raya since we both are wearing green this year

so we went back to the place and supported lewis(: i am in love w the sound when they changed the gear. Most of the ppl wore ear plug but me and siti decided not to.

Kay thats it for now. I very penat still. upload pics soon.

Spin The Bottle

Friday, September 25, 2009 at 4:28 PM

- phone confiscated by the school! -.- can only be retreived in a month's time.
- super frustrated but what to do, haha(:
- scored the highest for paper two malay woooohooo(:
- getting back prelims results next week.
- three days in a week endung sch at seven

- gg F1 today with family and abg aliff's family, cannot sabar cause can bebual non stop with kak
- nothing much really happen cause o level's are coming. shall prioritise important things first.

- never get to see him for the last time, supposedly to but mother asked him to come instead -.-
- sad?? yes i know, i mean for a year!
- oh this is the funny part brother told me, "hakim told mama cause his wearing shorts and want makan. kay makan part is planned but makan where. LOT ONE!! "hahaha. i heard from brother i laughed out loud. like hakim cannot think of any better venue gitu, haha.
- contented to have a short conversation w him while he finish his stick
- touched he rememebred my bday, precise some more w the year. haha. and the only reason he rememebered the year is cause nab is born in th same year, haha. kan kan kan?
- oh and he reminded me if i were to visit his blog ignore the pics of him and girls? haha. something like that. and to only see his shaved hair. haha(:
- oh yes obviously im gonna miss him, thats inevitable.
- but look on the bright side at least i bid farewell to him in feb, you know i know what i mean(:
- and saat terakhir was his birthday eve. cukup bersyukur.
- lastly, kim gonna send me bday postcard from arab, hahaaha. CAM REAL JE ;D

Kay thats it for now. Its still seven in the morning was awaken by kim's goodbye msg.
shall go back to bed.

to you:
selamat jalan selamat pulang. take care of yrself in foreign countries. and insyaallah pergi utk kembali(: yknow i know what i mean(:

Spin The Bottle